Yesterday marked one of Radha's first milestones, her first week birthday! We didn't do too much to celebrate, just stayed at home continuing to get to know each other. She was particularly fussy last night, and like most first time parents, we spent hours trying to figure out the cause, since it wasn't a dirty diaper or a need to eat. We decided to take her to the pediatrician, who told us of course that she was doing just fine!
He also told us that she had gained 7oz since her last weigh-in on Sunday, which finally made us feel like we had transitioned to breast feeding successfully. For me, it was another milestone, the end of what may have been the hardest and most rewarding week of my life, being there and helping where I could to bring my daughter into this world, get her established and healthy, and to make sure T is healing as well. I can't wait for the next one!