Saturday, September 27, 2008


Now that Radha has her head control she's been able to spend a lot of playtime in her "exersaucer".   
We were fortunate enough to get this item gently used from one of Ro's co-workers.   It's been especially nice to have a structure that supports her while she plays because she outgrew her bouncer chair last month. (The amount of clothes she has outgrown already is pretty staggering!)

Can you see the drool coming from her mouth in that picture?  Clearly, she's working really hard at spinning those colored takes a lot of focus and attention!  She likes the cylinders (which each make a different sound when spun) and the sun rattle the best.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Super Girl Attempts to Fly

(from Terri)
Here's a quick video of the Super Girl from our day at the park last week, before Ro went back to work.

It was such a nice day with nothing but blue skies, I think Radha wanted to fly up into the sky, and boy was she excited about it! I love her squeals of delight.

Friday, September 12, 2008


(from Ro)  Well, it's been almost 12 weeks since I took my leave of absence, so it's time to get back to work.  That also means that Radha is going to start child care next week.  Luckily, with Terri's schedule and some help from my Mom, she will be going for only two days a week.  Still, it's definitely going to be a tough transition for all of us.  I'm going to miss my morning walks with Radha, and all of the unstructured time we've had together.  But on the other hand, now she's almost 5 months old, and I feel really good about where she's at developmentally.  Since I can't stay home until she's ready for preschool, now's a good a time as any to start her in child care.  We went to our child care facility yesterday, and had a nice time visiting with the director and Radha's "teacher".  And, we got to see one of Radha's friends (son of good friends of Terri and I), who will be in the same room as her.

This week, we also went to a slightly delayed 4 month check up.  She's doing great, and handled the vaccinations as well as can be expected.  For you statisticians out there, she's now 15lbs and 2 oz, and 26 inches tall.  She's ready for the next car seat already!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day


In honor of Labor Day here are a few recent pictures of Radha hard at work playing.