(from Terri)
What a relaxing and mellow Christmas myself, Ro, and Radha had! Although I always miss seeing my family at this time of year it's nice to avoid the stress of holiday travel (and it will be much more enjoyable to visit the Midwest later in the year!).
We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas night at Ro's parents in Vancouver, and it was Radha's first milestone overnight at Babaji and Dadima's house. Radha also got some long overdue quality time with her aunts visiting from Seattle (Geeta) and Vancouver, BC (Vandana).
Nothing makes the holidays sweeter than a generous gift of delicious homemade cookies sent from my dear friend April, all the way from St. Paul, MN. (Thanks April!)
Christmas Eve morning at our house, checking out the new table & chair set from Grandma Sandy & Denny:
After all that decorating, time for shoulder rides on Dad:

Learning the in's and out's of the iPhone from Bhua Geeta and Bhua Vandana:
You learn fast, young grasshopper!

More pictures can be found here on our Flickr page. Hope your holidays were magical and filled with good food and love!